+ In the Journey

我们非常支持的教育环境激发了转型的信心, offering boundless opportunities to belong, become, and succeed.

Driven by our exceptional academics, individualized support, and steadfast integrity, 我们让每一位学生都能获得顽强的成长和塑造世界的成功.

我们发现真理和知识的愿望推动着我们在校园里所做的一切, in our community, and far beyond.

Vince Burke Mobile Cutout Vince Burke Cutout

Academic Excellence

Is My Ambrosian Value

Every student expects a profound education. We deliver on that promise. At SAU, 工程专业的学生可以选择一个专业:工业或机械, or both, and graduate in as few as four years. 我们最先进的实验室为您提供实践经验,您将在实习期间获得更多. It is a strong curriculum, taught by dedicated faculty. Just ask Vince.

See Vince's Story

Marceline Kougbani-Sebou Mobile Cutout Marceline Kougbani-Sebou Headshot

Compassionate Care

Is My Ambrosian Value

Marceline is committed to serving, and we are, too. 我们的护理课程教会了她提供更高水平的护理,以及超越这一步的火花. 我们提供全面的教育,使您能够实现自己的目标, so you can support patients in achieving their goals, too. Personal care and compassion. It's what we, and Marceline, provide in health care.

See Marceline's Story Watch Marceline's Video

Sarah Wurster Grad mobile size Sarah Wurster grad shot


Is My Ambrosian Value

几个月前她以优异成绩从中西部最知名的法医心理学专业毕业, Sarah Wurster knew where she was headed next. 她被瓦尔帕莱索大学(Valparaiso University)竞争激烈的心理健康咨询硕士课程录取. 她表示:“我在SAU的经历对获得录取绝对不可或缺。. “I credit the amazing psychology professors I had at St. Ambrose.”

See Sarah's Story

Matt Those Mobile size headshot Matt Thole Headshot

Lifelong Learning

Is My Ambrosian Value

在SAU, Matt发现了一个鼓励创新和坚韧的教育环境. He jumped into sales competitions, served as a Resident Advisor, led retreats, and competed in intermural sports. 他对卓越的不懈追求得到了回报:3个学位——只用了3年就拿到了.5 years – and a job waiting for him after graduation.

See Matt's Story

Joe Norris Headshot mobile size Joe Norris Headshot

Lifelong Learning

Is My Ambrosian Value

培养真正关心乔的SAU教授为他获得神学和医疗伦理学的研究生学位铺平了道路. 他以特派团一体化和区域道德主任的身份,利用他的教育来服务和指导他人, Mercy Dubuque and Mercy Health Network.

See Joe's Story

Anthony Ash mobile cutout Ash Anthony Cutout

Academic Excellence

Is My Ambrosian Value

我们的MBA校友领导着该地区乃至世界各地的公司和部门. 我们提供响应性教育,重点关注您的需求,以及那些寻求进步的企业和能够提供服务的专业人士. Anthony elevated his skills through our challenging, 以道德为基础的课程,并获得了广泛的商业基础,他今天继续建立.

See Anthony's Story

Abby Crotinger Mobile cutout headshot Abby Crotinger Cutout Headshot


Is My Ambrosian Value

We don't push you to succeed. We push you to excel. In our OT program, 艾比发现了一个致力于顽强成长和全面成功的学术团体. She chose to invest, and grow, in our program. In turn, we fully invested in her.

See Abby's Story

Rick Cushman Mobile headshot Rick Cushman Headshot

Lifelong learning

Is My Ambrosian Value

瑞克想要探索如何改变世界,所以他选择了圣. Ambrose. 如今,他每天都把在SAU学到的和生活过的东西带进教室. As an educator and an Ambrosian, 他计划激发下一代永无止境的好奇心和探索精神, and give them the tools to succeed. He is a Computer Science Instructor, Leadership Advisor, and Soccer Coach at Harding Middle School, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

See Rick's Story Watch Rick's Video

Beau Dexter Mobile Headshot Beau Dexter Headshot

Is My Ambrosian Value

我们通过提供广泛的教育,挑战我们的MBA学生成为优秀和有道德的专业人士, relevant, and surpasses expectations. 博寻求一个能带来职业发展的项目. 在具有真正商业经验的教授和同学的帮助下, he gained an education that gave him so much more. He applies those lessons and skills every single day.

See Beau's Story

Katrina Marquez Mobile Headshot Karina Marquez Headshot

Academic Excellence

Is My Ambrosian Value

Her admissions counselor knew Karina wanted to attend SAU, and most importantly, she knew Karina would thrive here. 这种联系是我们尽一切努力使您的圣. Ambrose education an affordable option.

See Karina's Story

Murphy Garcia Cutout Mobile Image Murphy Garcia Cutout Image

Liberal Arts

Is My Ambrosian Value

作为一名大一学生,墨菲计划主修工程学. Yet, after one required general education art class, associate professor Joseph Lappie, MFA, 认识到她的才能,问她是否可以辅修艺术. 他不断的支持和鼓励让她有勇气换专业,追求自己的激情和创造力. At St. Ambrose, you get so many opportunities to grow and explore.

See Murphy's Story

Lupe Nache Vital mobile cutout image Lupe Nache Vital Cutout Image

Social Justice

Is My Ambrosian Value

社会正义与行动紧密相连,我们的BSW学生体验学习. 卢佩将在竞技宝app下载机构和组织现场工作400个小时, working with, and advocating for, clients. 这种经历将提升她的信心,扩大她对世界的影响.

See Lupe's Story

Twyla Pereria cutout mobile Twyla Pereria cutout


Is My Ambrosian Value

Twyla是一个独立的灵魂,她创造了自己的大学之路. She chose to become an Ambrosian, in part, 因为我们的小班教学和我们提供的全面教育. Then, we exceeded her expectations by providing a personal, supportive and encouraging community where she thrived.

See Twyla's Story

Erin Suhr Mobile Headshot Erin Suhr Headshot


Is My Ambrosian Value

We want to make a St. Ambrose University education accessible for all. 在这里,100%的一年级学生都能获得经济援助——平均在2万美元左右! 招生和经济援助顾问确定奖学金, grants, 并为每个学生提供工作学习的机会,因为他们见证了圣. Ambrose degree. Erin is right: we want you to be here as much as you do!

See Erin's Story

Rachel Wiedman Headshot Mobile Picture Rachel Wiedman Headshot


Is My Ambrosian Value

Rachel became an Ambrosian in 2017 because we provide the remarkable university community she requires: a supportive environment; opportunities for academic, artistic and spiritual growth; collaboration and discussion; and a collective mission for social justice.

See Rachel's Story

Perla Hernandez headshot cutout mobile size perla hernandez headshot cutout


Is My Ambrosian Value

Higher education should lead to personal discovery. For Perla, 这段旅程得到了老师们的支持,他们挑战并鼓励她做到最好. At St. 竞技宝app下载安装,我们专注于每个学生的教育和个人成长. It's just what we do.

See Perla's Story

Damon Wolter Headshot Mobile Size Damon Wolter Headshot


Is My Ambrosian Value

达蒙在2017年成为安布罗修斯的一员,他与SAU的联系也越来越紧密. 作为一所致力于学术卓越的中西部领先大学, the liberal arts, social justice and service, we mirror Damon’s academic and personal values.

See Damon's Story

Alex Denton Headshot Alex Denton Headshot


Is My Ambrosian Value

我们所有的商学院课程都得到了该地区商业和行业领袖的充分认可和高度尊重, 其中许多公司为我们的学生提供实习机会,并聘请南澳大学的校友. 事实上,在毕业前八个月,亚历克斯接受了迪尔公司的一份全职工作 & Company Accounting/Financial Development Program. “Quad Cities是实习和全职工作的绝佳资源,”他说.

See Alex's Story

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